
wel.com to mel.com soldier!

by john bless godfreid

mel.com, oh me.com, what can isay, a webby that got me through my 8 years in irack, big Tex death, and the rest…

when original mel.com got shut down i wept more than i wept when my entire platoon was brutally ripped apart by the “big ripper and shredder”

now that new mel is back i jump for joy more than when my mother gave me birth

i SMS msgged our lord in heaven to tell him about the news, no response, proby on the mel… lol

god is one, one buff soldier that is (finger up)

i can wait for the mel.com chat room to return, i used to buy and sell my pounds on the daily, that gave me enough money when i was in german POW camp that i could buy birdseed (big birds we were) and prevent dysentary #litertature

love the soldier

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